•  Dog fighting is a sadistic "contest' between two specially bred, conditioned, and trained dogs that are made to fight for long periods of time and for cruel entertainment and gambling.
  • Places to Hold Fighting Events- rural areas:barns or outdoor pits and urban areas:garages, basements, warehouse, and abandoned buildings.
  • People involved- "Street Fighters": usually gangs.informal fights on street corners, in back allies, and playgrounds., "Hobbyists": people looking for extra money quick. more organized then street fighters., "Professionals": the most organized. may have 50 or more dogs., "Promoters": peole that promote professional dog fighting enterprises.
  • Audience members can be a family with young children, lawyers, judges, teachers, your neighbors, doctors, and corrupt police officers that are drawen in by the excitement and thrill of the blood "sport".
  • Reasons for involvement- most common the greed of money, the sadistic enjoyment of a brutal act, and for some the attraction lies in using the animals as an extension of themselves to show their power and strength.
  • Illegal gambling, drug trafficking, alcohol violations, weapon trafficking, probation violations, charges of assult and hommicides, conspiracy, corruption of minors, and money laundering have been associated with dog fighting.
  • Dog fighting in gangs are used to to desensitize new members to violence and to get them to kill with out feeling when they are told.
  • Children and teens that are desensitized to violence are more likely to commit murdurous crimes and are a danger to the people and other animals around them.
  • Children are more likely to be attacked by fighting dogs due to their small size
  • Breeds of dogs used: Dogo Argentino- Argentinean fighting dogs, Filo Brasilerio- Brazillian Mastiff/ fighting dog, Tosa Inu- Japanesse fighting dog, American Pit Bull- pit bull terrier mixed with the american pit bull, Perro de Presa Canario- Spanish fighting dogs
  •  Dog fighting is illegal in all 50 states and a felony in almost every state
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